Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jason Bateman Explains What's Different About The Change-Up

Jason Bateman explains to Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, what's different about The Change-Up from other movies that feature people switching bodies.

After blasting his own movie in jest ("It's crap, the movie's garbage."), he remarks:
"...While it is a tired and, some would say, pleasantly familiar premise, our obligation is to please you post-switch... Entertain (you) after that - and that's what we do.  And we do the R-rated version. The other films are good - Like Father Like Son, Lindsay Lohan, etc. -  all good movies but they're all PG stuff. And when you switch bodies with somebody you're gonna get into some pretty dodgy situations and they're all under the R category..."
Later in the interview he also comments about the planned movie version of The Arrested Development.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Jason Bateman
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